Photo of 2024 Udall Scholarship NomineesFulbright Top Producing Institution BannerPhotos of Truman Scholarship NomineesPhoto of Fall 2023 Gilman Scholarship RecipientsBannerMariam Vargas, Rangel LogoPhoto of Romir Raj (ENG '24)

Is ONSF Right for You?

The Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships (ONSF) provides support for students who are applying for nationally-competitive scholarships and fellowships. ONSF is part of UConn Enrichment Programs and works with all graduate and undergraduate students at the university, including students at the regional campuses.

ONSF nominates and prepares candidates for scholarships that require institutional endorsement, including the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Goldwater, Udall, Truman, and Gaither Junior Fellows competitions, and those that incorporate some form of institutional review into their selection processes, including the Fulbright US Student Program.

We also serve as a resource for nationally competitive awards for which students apply directly, such as Gates Cambridge and Gilman.

If you would like to learn more about these and other opportunities, please contact us!

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